EcoWisdom Supports Clinical Psychology PhD Thesis
EcoWisdom is pleased to announce that Karolina Balciunaite completed her doctoral
thesis based on interviews with participants involved in EcoWisdom’s Accessible Nature
Wellbeing Programs. Two EcoWisdom Community Members: Kari Krogh and Karen
VanBiesen (“Punky”) acted as community research consultants or “experts through
experience,” throughout the research process. The study found that participants living
with disability/physical health difficulties experienced a greater sense of belonging and
connectedness as a result of engaging in our programs. Impacts included a greater
sense of connection to self, others, and the natural world. Some participants also spoke
about how it supported their spirituality, understanding of interdependence, and desire
to contribute to environmental conservation.
New Horizons Grant $25,000
EcoWisdom is pleased to announce that we will be partnering with the Individualized
Funding Resource Centre once again to implement a project that encourages seniors
with disabilities to learn about and engage in mindful nature connection during in-person
and virtual forest bathing, outside and indoors. We launched this year-long project with
a wonderful program at VanDusen Gardens, in Vancouver BC on May 27, 2024 (see
video). This project will include electronic mindful nature connection resources such as
guided meditations made available through an interactive map referencing natural
spaces such as forests, streams, and lookout points. We will also be able to support two
disabled seniors in becoming EcoWisdom- certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guides.
We acknowledge with gratitude the ongoing involvement and support of Technology for
Advocating for Accessible Forest Bathing Opportunities:
Forest Therapy Hub Interviews Kari Krogh
Kari Krogh, Co-Founder of EcoWisdom Forest Preserve and Kim Dunlop of the EcoWisdom
Leadership Team, will be leading a short program on accessible forest bathing as part of Forest Therapy Hub’s three-day immersion program. Kari will also be giving an on-line lecture for practitioners and guides wanting to make their forest bathing programs more inclusive and accessible to people living with disabilities, chronic illnesses or challenges associated with aging including pain and fatigue. EcoWisdom is impressed with FTHub’s research foundation and is pleased to be connecting with them to promote accessibility within forest bathing programs and nature and forest therapy guide training! Are you curious about what fuels our efforts?
Read this FTHub interview with Kari.
In-Person ANWP May 27
EcoWisdom will be celebrating the accomplishment of the last three years by gathering Ontario and BC guides together to offer an Accessible Nature Wellbeing Program in Bear Creek, Surrey BC. We will have a light lunch, then engage in a mindful nature connection program. This will be followed by social and creative activities.
Academic Publication
McEwan K, Krogh KS, Dunlop K, Khan M, Krogh A. Virtual Forest Bathing Programming as Experienced by Disabled Adults with Mobility Impairments and/or Low Energy: A Qualitative Study. Forests. 2023; 14(5):1033.
Join us in celebrating our first EcoWisdom research publication based on a study led by Dr. Kirsten McEwan of Derby University in the UK. It documents beneficial physical health and emotional well-being outcomes experienced by participants in our nature programs. Would you like to leave a message of congratulations?
What is EcoWisdom?

EcoWisdom provides virtual and onsite services that facilitate human’s embodied understanding of their connection to the natural world. Through activities such as forest bathing (shinrin-yoku) and nature-based mindfulness, meditation, contemplation, and education, in addition to a range of creative activities, participants can receive Individual and collective benefits while supporting the health of their bioregion.
Ultimately, we believe that what is good for us as a human species is that which nourishes our home, Mother Earth. By fostering a deep relationship with creation, we hope to support bringing humans back into a state of balance within themselves, their communities, and as a part of the earth’s ecosystem.
The EcoWisdom Forest Preserve is comprised of 200 acres of land with forests, wetlands, streams, and a river. Located close to Algonquin Park, it is an important animal habitat for moose, wolves, lynx, deer, elk, and bear. The goals of the EcoWisdom Forest Preserve are to:
- Protect the forest and its plant and animal biodiversity
- Offer nature contemplation/appreciation activities
- Provide environmental education
Our work integrates the sociological, psychological and spiritual with the biological and ecological. The EcoWisdom approach values the wisdom that exists within natural systems such as rewilding/natural regeneration that can help restore equilibrium and equanimity.